Welcome to Forte Group: Gao Yuanling

Currently a year three undergraduate student pursuing a degree in civil engineering at nanyang technological university (ntu), yuanling is no stranger to a business-oriented mindset.

“Previously, I was in charge of managing social media channels for a student-led startup,” Yuanling recounts.

“In year two, I started a small company with a group of friends; the business supplied groceries to fellow hall students, who were mostly foreigners.”

This drive to assist others like herself has influenced her decision to join the industry.

“As a Permanent Resident (PR), medical costs in Singapore tend to be very expensive. Before I entered university, I was not aware of this since my insurance had mostly been covered by the school system.”

“Most of my friends, who are also foreign students, tend not to be aware of the severity of these costs. Once, the hall master and I assisted my roomate because she had come down with a serious fever. The eventual cost for her visit to a private clinic visit amounted to SGD$200 because of weekend and evening charges. I believe that more can be done to safeguard other students from experiencing similar experiences, and therefore I am doing my best to achieve this outcome in my apprenticeship.”

Despite having experienced views both in favor of and against insurance, Gao Yuanling has maintained a strongly objective view towards the industry.

“My family has vastly differing views of insurance,” she explains. “When I was younger, I chose not to take a stance as I did not understand the industry.”

Over the course of her internship, Yuanling has come to comprehend that much of the aforementioned apprehension was unfounded, due to the emphasis placed on regulation by Singaporean institutions.

“Singapore’s system impedes Financial Services Consultants (FSCs) from acting on their own interests over those of their clients. The examination process was essential as it underscored transparency through maximal disclosure. I also found M9 and M9A very informative as it combines lessons about contract and agency laws.”

“Through my internship I began to appreciate the occupation through my contact with Andy, Evelyn and Zane (my direct manager). As FSCs, they demonstrated that they are extremely knowledgeable and are here to help people, as opposed to coaxing them into buying plans that they don’t need.”

Yuanling is an avid follower of the Taiwanese band Mayday. She enjoys a variety of sports including jogging, swimming and badminton. Additionally, on top of gardening and handicrafts, she also enjoys cooking as a hobby.

“I don’t have much cooking equipment in hall- but I make do with what I have.”

Yuanling commences her apprenticeship as a Financial Services Consultant (FSC) this month. Welcome to Forte Group!

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