How To Maximise Investment Returns?

Most investors are often focused on what stocks to invest. They sometime overlook other important controllable factors that may affect their net returns.

  1. Cost effective solution
    • Choose a solution or broker that is cost effective is not easy. If you do self service, you can choose a cost effective solution. But if you seek professional help, you will have to pay a fee for the services provided. Fees and services may not go hand in hand. To seek an adviser who understand your need and risk appetite is very important. He or she must have knowledge, skill and interest in investment. Investment needs active monitoring.


  1. Tax on capital gain
  • Singapore does not capital gains tax or tax on the dividends earned. But if you invest in foreign shares, you have to abide by tax laws pertaining to the countries in which the companies are listed. The tax rate can be as high as 30% or more. Ideally, we want to invest in stocks that you do not need to pay tax so as to keep your net profit as close as to the gross profit.
  1. Foreign Exchange and charges
  • When dealing with foreign stocks, investors you have to know cost of foreign exchange. Banks also charge a commission for each transaction made. It is your duty to find the best exchange rate and lowest bank charges
  • A devaluation of the currency that the stock trades in against Singapore dollar will have a negative impact on your returns.


Please note:

The information contained in this article is for general guidance on matters of interest only. While we made every attempt to ensure that the information contained herein has been obtained from reliable sources, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Neither the information presented nor any opnion expressed constitues a solication for the purchase or sale of any financial products. As such, before taking any action you should seek advice from an independent professional advisor.

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