Why Get Professional Help Writing Your Will?

Despite being a firm believer in do-it-yourself projects, certain matters inevitably require professional assistance. In this age, we can download free templates and read resources online. So surely after doing some research, we can write our own will. The question is should we write our own will? And if so, will it be valid and hold up in court?

Since a will is an integral part of our lives as it is the only way to pass down our wealth that we have worked so hard for. Why not engage a professional to draft our will and know for sure that it is a valid will that will correctly implement our wishes.


There is a misconception that it will cost an arm and a leg to get professionals to write our will. The cost of drafting a will is often a function of how much time it takes to prepare and the complexity of our wishes. The more time it takes to draft a will will result in a higher cost. A solid and specific last will and testament can be created for you by a will writing company or law firm for approximately $200 to $400 for a simply will to $500 and above for a complex will.

In additional, a professional will writer or lawyer will be able to advise on the following:

  • Provision of legal advice on the laws relating to wills and to ensure your will is valid
  • Ensure that all the formalities in making a will are complied with so that your assets will reach your intented beneficiar(ies)
  • Highlight what assets can or cannot be bequest in a will

So wait not longer, regardless of your marital status or age, you should speak to a professional and make your will.

Reach out directly for any questions today!

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